Impact of social media on News

It's the age of "Fake News" and gone are the days of waiting for the morning news for breaking stories or reading gossip magazines for the latest celebrity dirt. we now have all the information we need at the touch of an app and most people now get their news information online, specifically from social media. 

Social Media has become the main source of news online with more than 2.4 billion internet users, nearly 64.5 percent receive breaking news from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, snap chat and Instagram instead of traditional media.

In a recent survey, 50% of internet users surveyed that they hear about the latest news via social media before ever hearing about it on a news station. many internet users will see the breaking stories on their feed and go to the news sites to learn more. the survey found 57% increase in traffic to news sites referred from social media.

However, there has been a decrease in how much of an article that people read. most people will just scroll through their news feed and stumble upon relevant news content but just read the headlines or a short video clip of the piece. An average visitor will only read an article for 15 seconds or less and the average video watch time online is 10 seconds!!

let see how social media has impacted journalism!! (traditional news) ⇓⇓

